Did you know that September is National Preparedness month in the U.S.? While it may seem overwhelming to prepare for anything that could possibly go wrong, the truth is with relatively minimal effort, you can prepare for the most likely types of natural disasters in your part of the country. That is the sentiment behind National Preparedness month. Have a plan in place so that you can be prepared and self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in case a disaster hits where you live. The more people who do this, the less overwhelmed emergency services are in a worst-case-scenario situation. Then they can focus all their efforts on those who need help the most. If you need motivation to start prepping, think of it as a future-kindness to the emergency service workers in your area.
There is something uniquely freeing about backpacking and the way it can make you feel completely disconnected from your everyday life, yet entirely grounded in nature. Literally shouldering the weight of everything you need to survive and stepping away from your life’s comforts is humbling.
Here are our 10 tips for getting into the backcountry for the weekend.
Pumpkin-spice-everything, mums, and Labor Day vacations are actually not the most pressing to-do of your September. It is National Preparedness month here in the U.S. It is a time to reflect on who and what is most important in your life, and to make plans and take action to protect them in case of an emergency. And yes, once you've done that, then by all means, please go enjoy all the vacations and pumpkin-spice things with those wonderful people in your life.
Buying a flashlight can be tricky, and often people tend to settle for the least expensive light with the biggest numbers on the packaging only to be disappointed later when the light stops working after a small drop onto the floor. Fear not! I am here to help you sort through all the marketing jargon like “Turbo Mode” and to better understand what really matters; like, what’s a lumen? And, what type of flashlight should I buy for…(insert activity here)?
Nite Ize is such an innovative company making an amazingly wide and diverse set of products, most of which go totally and completely unnoticed as they are utility tools that discreetly make my life and adventures far more comfortable and organized! Below is a list of 5 of the most mission critical tools that my team and I always have on hand, and some uses that may been seen as unorthodox!
Summertime is in full swing - swimming, camping, hiking, picnicking – it’s all here and we’re soaking it up. That also means it’s everyone’s favorite backyard-BBQ season. In true Nite Ize-style, we have some tips on how to take your next party to the next level.
Halloween is the perfect time to embrace all the feels of fall, bring out the decorations, connect with neighbors, and binge a little (or a lot) on sugar. This year, let Nite Ize help you keep the kids seen and safe as they haunt around the neighborhood. Here are a few of our pro tips for having the most spectacular, spookiest, and safest Halloween night of all.
Summer is now in full swing, and we’re ready for a party in the USA – or at least ready to start getting back together with our close family and friends again. What better way to celebrate than to throw a classic backyard barbecue? We’re here to help you bring that time-honored cookout to the next level this summer. Impress your guests with these seven party prep tips and product recommendations.
Imagine a quaint, red rock western town that used to be one of the most isolated spots in the lower 48. What comes to mind? You may be thinking Moab or Sedona, but the town I am talking about is further off the beaten path than either of those: it is a small pioneer town in Southern Utah by the name of Kanab.
Kanab is located smack between Zion, Bryce, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is a fantastic jumping off point for many of the Colorado Plateau’s incredible national parks; it is also home to me personally, and to the guides of Dreamland Safari Tours – a hardy bunch of most excellent backcountry desert guides with decades of experience in delighting guests by creating access to hard-to-reach locations like the Wave, White Pocket, and more.
Imagine wanting to ski 350 miles through Alaska – next week, without much training or real experience on cross-country skis. That’s the situation I found myself in a few months ago: I was signed up to ski the Iditarod Trail Invitational, a 350-mile race through the interior of Alaska. The only challenge was that I am neither a skier, nor had I ever completed a 350 mile non-stop race — and in true “me” fashion I didn’t have the time to properly train for this behemoth of an adventure, either.
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