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If we’ve learned anything from this heck of a year, it’s that making plans doesn’t always work out, well, as planned. There may have been certain holiday traditions you had to forgo this year, but one that you should still make an effort to uphold is making your New Year’s resolutions for 2021. Even those might look a little different this year after taking time to reflect on all that was 2020. After a year nearly stuck on pause, there’s no time like the present to tackle your goals and focus on self-improvement, one resolution at a time.

Each month of 2021, we will reveal a Big Idea word designed to help you get motivated and make the most out of your year. This month’s Big Idea is VisualIZE – our way to help you dream up your aspirations for the coming year, and rise to meet them. If this year has you feeling a little less inspired to set some exciting goals for the next year, we’re here to help with some suggestions.


Likely the most basic and fundamental resolution is health and fitness related. Perhaps this past year has you thinking about making healthier life choices, or maybe you need to get back into the swing of an exercise routine after spending too much time in comfy pants. Whatever your reason may be, set your sights on a goal that is personally attainable. If you’re new to a fitness routine of any kind, an Ironman triathlon might be a bit too ambitious. Maybe aim for a 10K or half marathon instead this year, and work up from there.

If you’re training for running or cycling, you might have to spend some early mornings or evening hours in the dark. Some new light-up gear to help you stay seen and safe at night might actually help motivate you to get out there too! Try a SlapLit LED Slap Wrap or a rechargeable TagLit Magnetic Marker to keep yourself seen and safe while you run, and a headlamp to light your path. If you’re getting into cycling, make sure your bike is outfitted with front and rear lights (for both day and night safety), and a rechargeable SpokeLit for side visibility.

Utilizing a fitness tracker or smart watch can be a big help in keeping you motivated and meeting your goals. If you’re currently missing classroom-style workouts, try a virtual one! If joining a membership-based program is out of your price range, there are great workouts you can find for free on YouTube. Even a half hour of yoga three times a week is a simple enough resolution that is fairly easy to keep, but can make a big difference in how you feel.


Do you have a home project you’d like to accomplish but have been putting off? This might be the year to make it happen. Again, make your goals realistic. If you’re looking at a busy year already with work and/or family commitments, now might not be the right time for a complete remodel, but maybe you can start small with a bathroom, or a simple room repaint. Check out this list of 50 DIY projects that you could even complete in a weekend. This could also be a good year to finally plant a vegetable garden. 

However big or small your aspirations are, get yourself the right gear to tackle the task. Once you’re fully invested, taking the next steps to complete your project will come easier.


Do you feel slightly more anxious or stressed when your space is a mess? You’re not alone. Living with clutter can sometimes take a mental toll. Make a plan to organize your home (or even just a part of your home) in 2021. Kick the year off on the right foot by organizing your holiday decorations before storing them away. Buy some plastic tubs or drawers if you don’t already have some, and label them so you know exactly what’s in each. Use Gear Ties to wrangle your strings of lights – you’ll thank yourself next year!

If setting a goal of organizing your entire home is too daunting, maybe resolve to organize your garage, home office, closet, or even just the junk drawer. Just knocking out one of these tasks can help you clear your mind, and feel more accomplished. 

In this technological modern world we live in, we have to deal with all sorts of digital clutter in addition to the physical. Consider making a tech goal for yourself, such as regular hard drive backups, organizing and storing your files, or upping your online password game. If you have older but important files laying around on outdated external hard drives, consider investing in a brand new drive and migrating your files. Nowadays, solid state hard drives are more reliable, durable and have longer life expectancy than the older versions. For the more physical tech clutter, commit to keeping your charging cables tangle-free and fray-free. Preserve your cord ends with CordCollars and wrangle your cables with Gear Tie Cordables.

Does it seem like doing anything on the internet these days has you in a constant state of password hell? Either you fall into the trap of using the same password over and over (not recommended), or you are constantly clicking that “forgot password” button. Make a goal to organize your passwords – you can even consider a password management system. There are many out there, so read some reviews before you commit to one. It might take a day to set everything up, but it will save you time and headaches in the long run.


It might be finally safe to travel later on this year (hooray!), so now is a good time to start thinking about where you would like to go. Research has shown that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost your mood. Give yourself something to look forward to by planning a getaway for when you think you will be safe and comfortable to venture out. You can certainly plan a camping trip now, and the sooner the better. Campgrounds have been booking up faster than ever before, so make your reservations as early as possible. If you’re planning to visit a National Park, you will also need a reservation these days, so don’t put that off either. If you’d prefer to use wheels than wings to travel, check out our 10 tips for planning the perfect road trip.


Research has shown that people who regularly learn new things are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Keep your brain synapses firing full throttle by teaching yourself something new in 2021. This could be anything from taking a painting course, learning a new language, or cooking your way through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. If you’ve been meaning to get into journaling for a while, make this your year. If you’ve never held knitting needles in your life, maybe set a goal to learn and craft yourself a piece of clothing by the end of the year (or give some as gifts next holiday season). You could even go big and treat yourself to a Masterclass subscription and learn loads of new skills this year! These virtual classes allow you to learn directly from the experts you trust in a wide variety of categories. For instance, you can learn photography from Annie Leibovitz, cooking from Gordon Ramsay, basketball from Steph Curry, or dog training from Lucky Dog’s Brandon McMillan.


Speaking of dog training, maybe make a New Year’s resolution that includes your best four-legged friend, too! If you feel like you’ve been slacking in the walk department, shoot for daily walks, which will benefit both of you. It’s easy to blow them off during the winter months when it’s always dark and cold (do we really have to get out?), so help motivate yourself with a NiteDog light-up collar and leash! Not only will this make you visible to oncoming cars or bikes, you’ll be surprised how many compliments you receive for looking so cool. Check out our other ideas for New Year’s resolutions you can share with your dog here!


So what do you visualIZE for 2021? Once you’ve landed on a resolution (or maybe a few, if you’re ambitious), take a moment to write it down. You might start a new journal for the new year and put your resolution(s) on the first page, write them on a notecard and stick it to your fridge, or even a sticky note on your computer screen to help remind you throughout the year what you are working toward. And don’t forget to check out our VisualIZE collection of curated products to help you reach your 2021 goals, and check back next month for February’s Big Idea! We’ll be here to help you realIZE your goals all year long.
